Saturday, February 10, 2007


I saw this great post about emoticons for the organic chemistry inclined at the Nature Chemistry Blog:

\/ = Extraction (or extract)
|| = Running a column
[] = Running a TLC
() = Stir/stirbar
C- = Round bottom flask (look sideways) (this one, to be fair, is not much more concise than RBF)
L! = Measuring something (probably liquid)
ooo = reflux/heating in general (get it? It's the bubbles)
XX = Crystallize/crystallization

I love these. Can you guys think of more biology related ones? How about [---] for running a gel, or -<= for pippetting?

1 comment:

Dave said...

How about these:

:)->:) - cloning
# - counting cells
FUCKING SHIT PISS - I effed up my experiment.